EAGNAS, stringing machine warehouse, stringing tools, strings, tennis trainers, grips, badminton racquets

ストリングマシンお客様からの代表的な質問 (FAQ)

  1. どこでEAGNAS-Maxlineの製品は作られているのでしょうか?
  2. 私はこれまでにストリングスを張った事がありません。張る事は難しくありませんか?
  3. どのモデルがステンレス素材回転式クランプが採用されているのか?
  4. どのモデルにアルミニウム素材回転式クランプが採用されているのか?
  5. どのモデルにスプリングアクション付き回転式クランプが採用されているのか?
  6. どのモデルにスプリングアクション無し回転式クランプが採用されているのか?
  7. なぜ殆んどのプロフェッショナルストリングスマシーンは見た目が似ているのか?
  8. 現状モデルのストリングスマシーンに幾つの異なったマウントシステムが利用できるか?
  9. どのストリングスマシーンがホールドダウンマウントシステムを備えているか?
  10. どのストリングスマシーンがサスペンションマウントシステムを備えているか?
  11. どのタイプの支持システムが、現状ストリングスマシーンに利用できるか?
  12. 6点、4点、2点支持それぞれにおけるメリットデメリットは何か?
  13. ストリンギングに必要なツールは何か?
  14. テンションキャリブレーターを購入する必要がありますか?
  15. V型サイドサポート、ハーフV型サイドサポート、K型サイドサポート、プラスチックサイドサポートの違いを御紹介?
  16. V型サイドサポート標準装備のストリングスマシーン紹介?
  17. ハーフV型サイドサポート標準装備のストリングスマシーン紹介?
  18. K型サイドサポート標準装備のストリングスマシーン紹介?
  19. プラスチックストッパー標準装備のストリングスマシーン紹介?
  20. ユニバーサルV型サイドサポートとシングルV型サイドサポートの違い?
  21. X 型架台と H 型架台の違い?
  22. XP-45とXP-46の相違点を御説明申し上げます?
  23. What is the six-point inside mounting system?
  24. What is the difference between floating clamp, fixed clamp, and swivel clamp model stringing machines?
  25. What kinds of materials are used to make stringing clamps?
  26. What is the difference between single-action and dual-action swivel clamps?
  27. How many different types of dual-action swivel clamp bases are used on current model stringing machines?
  28. Which stringing machines have a dual-action swivel clamp base with spring-action lever?
  29. Which stringing machines have a dual-action swivel clamp base without spring-action lever?
  30. Why do the spring-action levers make stringing faster and easier?
  31. I have a machine without spring-action levers. Could I purchase spring-action levers and install them on the machine?
  32. What type of string gripper is better, the linear ball bearing string gripper or the cam (parallel jaw) string gripper?
  33. Which stringing machines have a cam (parallel jaw) string gripper?
  34. Which stringing machines have a linear ball bearing string gripper?
  35. Why is the linear ball bearing string gripper better than a cam (parallel jaw) string gripper? How does the linear ball bearing string gripper work?
  36. In terms of speed and easy of use, what type of stringing machine is better?
  37. What type of clamping system is the best, glide-bar or swivel?
  38. What other accessories should I buy in order to string both the tennis and badminton racquets?
  39. I break strings at the rate of about 1 per week and a half. What would be the best stringing machine for me to purchase?
  40. I break strings at least 15-20 times a year. Do you think it is a good idea to purchase a stringing machine?
  41. What is the difference between EAGNAS 10 and DEN-3600 stringing machines?
  42. What features or advantages does the HAWK 800 stringing machine have versus the EAG-700 stringing machine?
  43. What are the key differences between the Hawk 80 and the STAR Y12-3 machines? Which is more convenient and faster?
  44. What is the difference between the HAWK 880 and the PRO HELPER stringing machines?
  45. What is the major difference between the Neon 21 and Hawk 880 stringing machines?
  46. What is the difference between the Neon electronic tension head and Silent Partner electric tension head?
  47. I notice that most of the table-top or portable stringing machines are the drop-weight type. Is there any advantage of drop-weight over the manual crank type?
  48. I have a drop-weight stringing machine. How can I upgrade it to manual crank spring tensioner?
  49. I have an EAGNAS fixed clamp stringing machine (glide-bar clamp system). How can I change the machine to a swivel clamp machine?
  50. Where can I get the string patterns?
  51. Approximately how many racquets can I string from a 660 ft. reel of string?
  52. Do you have the string comparison chart?
  53. Do you have any type of string package that comes with the stringing machines, or even a discount on strings when I order a stringing machine?
  54. What is the difference between nylon, kevlar, and synthetic gut strings when dealing in performance and the rate they break?
  55. What is the difference between the 1 drop weight and the 2 drop weights? Will there be a difference in the output?
  56. What is the difference between the Hawk 880 and the Neon 21?
  57. What makes the Neon CX better than the Neon 21 machine?
  58. What's the difference between the Neon CXS and the Neon CX21 machines?
  59. What's the difference between the Hawk 800 and the GA machines?
  60. What's the difference between the Hawk 80 and the GB machines?
  61. What is the difference between the drop-weight, crank, electric and electronic machines?
  62. What are the pros and cons of getting an electric machine and what makes it better than a manual?
  63. It appears to me that the best clamping system is the glide bar, but you do not offer it on too many models. Can you put the Eagnas EAG-960 top on the Pro Helper electronic machine?
  64. Can the Hawk 10 be used to string badminton racquets?
  65. why do you recommend one OVERSIZED floating clamp and one REGULAR size floating clamp? What is the advantage of one over the other?

  1. どこでEAGNAS-Maxlineの製品は作られているのでしょうか?

    EAGNASのストリングスマシーンは台湾のLily-Lee & Co., Ltd.で製造されています。 Lily-Lee & Co, Ltd. はストリングスマシーンを製造している世界一大きい工場です。 そして、1981年より、世界中のストリングスマシーン供給元として認められています。 添付されている承認書は台湾政府より発行されたグッドデザイン賞です Good Product Design Award , Certificate of Excellence。 EAGNAS は Lily-Lee & Co., Ltd. の登録商標です。 Lily-Lee & Co., Ltd.のストリングスマシーンは張名人(スピンジャパン株式会社)としても台湾より輸入され販売されています。 日本では、その他の名前でもLily-Lee & Co., Ltd.のストリングスマシーンが販売されています。 例えば、ヨネックス社の ST-200バトミントン用ストリングスマシーンも Lily-Lee & Co., Ltd.社製です。 もっとLily-Lee & Co., Ltd.社製のストリングスマシーンを見たい方は http://www.eagnas.com/lilylee へアクセス御願いします。

  2. 私はこれまでにストリングスを張った事がありません。張る事は難しくありませんか?

    弊社ではHAWK 10, HAWK 80, HAWK 800, HAWK 820, HAWK 880, Arc-Table21, Arc-Pro21, Arc-Top21, GA, King 3115H, Neon CX, Neon CX21, Neon JX21, Pro Helper21, Pro Crystal, Pro 2000, Pro 2000S, ST-200, XP45, XP-46, XP-600, XP-601, XP-650, XP-651, XP-8200S, XP-8201S と XP-8600S のストリングスマシーンの図を使用した取扱説明書を御用意しております。 御客様にその取扱説明書を御確認頂く事で、簡単にラケットに順序良くス トリングスを張る事が可能となります。決してラケットにストリングスを 張る事は難しくありません。初めは御客様自身覚えて頂く事も確かに御座 います。

  3. どのモデルがステンレス素材回転式クランプが採用されているのか?

    社名 ストリンギングマシーンモデル名
    Babolat: Star II, Star 3, Star 4
    Maxline: Eagnas Arc-Table21, Arc-Pro21, Arc-top21, GA, Hawk 80, Hawk 800, Hawk 820, King 3115H, Neon CX, Neon CX21, Neon JX21, Pro 2000, Pro 2000S, Pro Helper21, XP-45, XP-46, XP-600, XP-601, XP-650, XP-651, XP-8200S, XP-8201S, XP-8600S, XP-8600T

  4. どのモデルにアルミニウム素材回転式クランプが採用されているのか?

    社名 ストリンギングマシーンモデル名
    SP.IN Japan「張名人」: Arc-Table21N, Arc-Pro21N, Arc-top21N, King 3115N, Neon CX21(T), Neon CX21(S), Neon JX21, Pro Helper21, XP45, XP600(T), XP650(S), XP8000(T), XP8100(S), XP8500(S), XP8500(T)

  5. どのモデルにスプリングアクション付き回転式クランプが採用されているのか?

    社名 ストリンギングマシーンモデル名
    Babolat: Star II, Star 3, Star 4
    Maxline: Eagnas Arc-Table21, Arc-Pro21, Arc-top21, King 3115H, Neon CX, Neon CX21, Neon JX21, Pro 2000, Pro 2000S, Pro Helper21, XP-45, XP-46, XP-600, XP-601, XP-650, XP-651, XP-8200S, XP-8201S, XP-8600S, XP-8600T

  6. どのモデルにスプリングアクション無し回転式クランプが採用されているのか?

    社名 ストリンギングマシーンモデル名
    SP.IN Japan「張名人」: Arc-Table21N, Arc-Pro21N, Arc-top21N, King 3115N, Neon CX21(T), Neon CX21(S), Neon JX21, Pro Helper21, XP45, XP600(T), XP650(S), XP8000(T), XP8100(S), XP8500(S), XP8500(T)
    Maxline: Eagnas GA, Hawk 80, Hawk 800, Hawk 820

  7. なぜ殆んどのプロフェッショナルストリングスマシーンは見た目が似ているのか?

    手動クランプスプリング張り機が付いたプロフェッショナルストリングスマシーンはEktelon H ストリングスマシーンの後継機種です。 Ektelon H の初めの後継機種はEAGNAS EAG-500 です。

  8. 現状モデルのストリ"グスマシー"に幾つの異なったマウ"トシステムが利用できるか?

    ホールドダウンマウントシステムサスペンションマウントシステムのみ使用できます。 サスペンションマウントシステムはV型サイドサポートアームでラケットを支持します。図3-1参照。 ラケット固定におけるラケットトップ部とラケットスロート部は位置決めをする事がメインになります。

    ホールドダウンマウントシステムは、ラケットトップ部とラケットスロート部を支持します。 図4-2参照。 サイドサポートはラケットのゆがみを防ぎます。ホールドダウンマウントシステムはサスペンションマウントシステムよりも固定能力が優れています。

  9. どのストリングスマシーンがホールドダウンマウントシステムを備えているか?
    社名 ストリングスマシーン名
    SP.IN Japan「張名人」: Arc-Table21N, Arc-Pro21N, Arc-top21N, Neon JX21
    Ektelon: H model, 1000 model
    Prince: 1000 model
    Maxline: Eagnas Arc-Table21, Arc-Pro21, Arc-top21, Beta, EAG-300, EAG-350, EAG-500, EAG-550, EAG-700, EAG-860, EAG-860T, EAG-90 II, EAGNAS 10, DEN-3600, DEN-4000, DEN-6000, DEN-6700, Hawk 10, Hawk 20, Hawk 40, Hawk 80, Hawk 800, Hawk 820, Hawk 880, GA, GB, GC, GE, GF, Neon JX21, Pro Crystal, Pro Helper, Star HP12, Star J312, Star Y12-3
  10. どのストリングスマシーンがサスペンションマウントシステムを備えているか?
    社名 ストリングスマシーン名
    Alpha Sports: Pioneer FL, DC, Power Edge, Tour Edge, Pioneer DC, Revo 3000, Axis, Blu-DC Plus, Power Edge, Ultra Edge III
    Babolat: Star II, Star 3, Star 4, 4002
    Gamma Sports: Progression II 602, 602FC, Es II, 5003, 6004, 6002 Es, 7000 Es, 6500 Els, 7500 Els
    King 3115N, Neon CX21(T), Neon CX21(S), Pro Helper21, XP45, XP600(T), XP650(S), XP8000(T), XP8100(S), XP8500(S), XP8500(T)
    Maxline: Eagnas Easy-3, King 3115H, Neon 21, Neon CX, Neon CX21, Neon CXS, Pro 2000, Pro 2000S, Pro Helper21, Smart 707, Smart 808, Smart 850, Smart 909, Smart 3000, Smart 4000, Smart 5000, Smart 6000, ST-200, XP-45, XP-46, XP-600, XP-601, XP-650, XP-651, XP-8200S, XP-8201S, XP-8600S, XP-8600T
  11. どのタイプの支持システムが、現状ストリングスマシーンに利用できるか?

    現状モデルのストリングスマシーンは3種類の支持システムが利用できます。 2点、4点、6点支持システムです。 2点支持システムはラケットトップ部とラケットスロート部を支持します。 支持部は時計に例えると6時と12時の位置になります。図6-1参照

    4点支持システムはそれに加えて両サイドをラケットゆがみ防止の為に支持をします。 サイド支持部は時計に例えると3時と9時の位置になります。図6-2参照

    6点支持システムは2ペアで4点のサイド支持をします。 サイド支持部は時計に例えると2時、4時、8時と10時の位置になります。 図6-3参照。

  12. 6点、4点、2点支持それぞれにおけるメリットデメリットは何か?

    6点支持マウントシステムは、あらゆるラケットのゆがみを最大限に防ぐ事が出来る。 しかし、ラケット周りを最も隠す事で操作性に劣ります。 4点支持システムはラケットのゆがみを抑える事が出来ます。 そして操作性も6点に比べて優れます。 2点支持システムはラケットトップ部とラケットスロート部のみを支持します。 サイド支持はありません。 しかし操作性が最も優れています。

  13. ストリンギングに必要なツールは何か?

    基本的には、ラジオペンチ、ニッパー、テニス用錐もしくはバトミントン用錐が必要となります。 ほとんどのストリングスマシーンには、この基本ツールは含まれておりませんが、含まれている物も中には御座います。 例えばHAWK 10 ストリングスマシーンにはテニス用錐が含まれております。 ST-200 ストリングスマシーンには錐2本、ニッパー、ラジオペンチ、が含まれております。 EAG-90 II, PRO HELPERと PRO CRYSTALには基本3点ツールとスターティングクランプが含まれております。 ST-106 ツールキットはストリンギング基本ツールです。

    ここでとても便利なツールを紹介致します。それはST-101ストリングガイドです。 これは、グロメットにストリングスを挿入する際にとても便利なツールです。

  14. テンションキャリブレーターを購入する必要がありますか?

    ストリングスマシーンは工場から出荷される前にテンション設定は調整されております。 しかしテンション設定は搬送中や長期使用している間に微妙にずれる事も考えられます。 テンションキャリブレーターで定期的にテンション設定をチェックをする事をお薦め致します。 テンションキャリブレーターで定期的にテンション設定をチェックをする事が、御客様のストリングスマシーンを安心して永く御愛用頂ける源となるでしょう。

  15. V型サイドサポート、ハーフV型サイドサポート、K型サイドサポート、 プラスチックサイドサポートの違いを御紹介?

    1つのV型サイドサポートでラケットフレームの表裏の2点を支持をします。 4つのV型サイドサポートでラケットフレームの表裏の8点を支持をします。 1つのハーフV型サイドサポートでラケットフレームの表の1点を支持をします。 1つのK型サイドサポートで2通りのハーフV型サイドサポートの働きが出来ます。 大型ハーフV型サイドサポートはテニスラケット用、小型ハーフV型サイドサポートはバトミントンラケット用。 1つのプラスチックストッパーは、ラケットフレームのサイド部分1点を支持をします。

  16. V型サイドサポート標準装備のストリングスマシーン紹介?
    社名 ストリンギングマシーンモデル名
    Approach Tennis: S-4, M-2
    Babolat: Star 3, Star 4, 4002
    SP.IN Japan「張名人」: Arc-Table21N, Arc-Pro21N, Arc-Top21N, Neon CX21(T), Neon CX21(S), Neon JX21, XP-45, XP-600, XP-650
    Maxline: EAGNAS 10, 112, 2120, 3120, Arc-Table21, Arc-Pro21, Arc-Top21, BETA, DEN-3600, DEN-4600, DEN-6000, DEN-6700, EAG-350, EAG-700, EAG-860, EAG-860T, EAG-900, EAG-960, EAG-90 II, GA, GB, GC, GE, Hawk 40, Hawk 80, Hawk 800, Hawk 820, Hawk 880, King 3115H, Neon 21, Neon CX, Neon CX21, Neon CXS, Neon JX21, Pro Crystal, Pro Helper, Pro Helper21, Star Y12-3, Star HP12, Star J312
  17. ハーフV型サイドサポート標準装備のストリングスマシーン紹介?
    社名 ストリンギングマシーンモデル名
    Alpha Sports: Axis, Axis Pro, Bullet 4, Pioneer FL, Pioneer DC, Power Express, Revo 3000, Shuttle 2000
    Gamma Sports: Progression II 602, 602FC, Es II, ST II, 5003, 6004, 6002 Es, 7000 Es, 6500 Els, 7500Els
    Eagnas: EAGNAS King P12-4, Z12-5, S12-6, YS12, K812, 3012, 3112
  18. K型サイドサポート標準装備のストリングスマシーン紹介?
    社名 ストリンギングマシーンモデル名
    Alpha Sports: Blu-DC Plus, Orbitor, Power Edge, Tour Edge, Revolution, Ultra Edge III
    Maxline: EAGNAS Smart 707, Smart 808, Smart 850, Smart 909, Smart 3000, Smart 4000, Smart 5000, Smart 6000
  19. プラスチックストッパー標準装備のストリングスマシーン紹介?
    社名 ストリンギングマシーンモデル名
    Maxline: EAGNAS DEN-3600, DEN-6000, EAG-700, EAG-860, EAG-900, EAG-960
    Winn Inc.: PRO II
  20. ユニバーサルV型サイドサポートとシングルV型サイドサポートの違い?

    ユニバーサルV型サイドサポートは3通りのV型支持点を持ちます。ラージサイズラケット用の支持点、ミッドサイズラケット用の支持点とバトミントンラケット用の支持点になります。 それはどのような型のラケットにも対応します。 シングルV型サイドサポートは、テニスラケットのみ対応します。

  21. X 型架台と H 型架台の違い?

    X 型架台にはアルミニム製の4本足を採用しています。 図32-1を御参照下さい。 重量は軽くなりますが、コストは高くなります。 これは工場サイドで御客様の要望を伺いながら決められたデザインとなっています。 H 型架台には鉄製の3本のパイプを溶接した形を採用しています。 図32-2を御参照下さい。 本来こちらの架台は製造されておりませんでしたが、H 型架台安く製造できる架台として X 型架台が作られました。 H 型架台は X 型架台よりも重く輸送費も高くなります。 X 型架台は H 型架台よりも、より優れたものと考えております。


    材質 重量 大きな投資 材料価格 輸送費 外観
    H 型架台 溶接によって接合された3本の鉄製パイプ 重い 無し 低い 高い 良い
    X 型架台 アルミニウム製の4本足 軽い 有り 高い 低い 優れる

  22. XP-45とXP-46の相違点を御説明申し上げます?

    XP-45は、4つのV型サイドサポートを装備しており、テニスラケットのみ装着可能となります。 XP-46は、2つのハーフV型サイドサポートを装備しており、テニスラケット、バトミントンラケット両方が装着可能となります。

  23. What is the six-point inside mounting system?

    There is no such thing as six-point inside mounting system. It is 2-ponit mounting system with 2 extra support points at head and throat mounting stocks. See Figure 8-1. The extra supports are at the 1 clock, 5 clock, 7 clock, and 11 clock positions. The purpose of the multiple side supports is to prevent the racquet from distortion. The inside supports could not prevent the racquet distortion. Besides that the support points of all the six-point system systems are adjustable to accommodate all types of racquets except this inside support system. The position of the inside suports could not be adjusted. Therefore, it only can mount certain racquets. It could not accommodate all types of racquets. Sometimes the inside supports will block the grommet holes. See Figure 8-2. This inside mounting system is created by a startup company. In May 2000 this company began to manufacture the stringing machines. (If you are thinking about a stringing machine with the six-point inside mounting system, check with the vendor about its inside supports. You'll need to know how many types of racquets this inside mounting system can accommodate.)

  24. What is the difference between floating clamp, fixed clamp, and swivel clamp model stringing machines?

    Models with a floating clamp (also called a flying clamp or speed clamp) tend to be less expensive, but they need to clamp two strings at a time to maintain proper string tension.

    Fixed-clamp stringing machines are categorized as either glide bar-clamp or swivel-clamp models. Glide bar-clamp stringing machines have two glide bar clamps attached to the glide bar tray table; swivel-clamp stringing machines have two swivel clamps attached to the swivel turntable.

  25. What kinds of materials are used to make stringing clamps?

    String clamps are typically made of two kinds of materials - either metal or composite resins. Metal clamps are better, but they are more expensive. Composite resin clamps are less expensive, but occasionally they won't be able to hold the string over 65 pound tension.

  26. What is the difference between single-action and dual-action swivel clamps?

    The single-action clamp is a one piece assembly - both the clamp and the base are attached to the turntable. Unfortunately, the brake of the single-action clamp wears out with frequent use, requiring regular maintenance.

    In 1990, the Wilson Sporting Goods Co. introduced its Pro Staff (Prestige) stringing machine, which was manufactured in Taiwan. It utilized the single-action swivel clamp assembly, and it had brake problems (as mentioned above). Wilson Sporting Good Co. discontinued its production 2 years later. Current model stringing machines, utilizing the single-action clamp, are actually clones of this particular Wilson Pro Staff (Prestige) stringing machine. (If you are thinking about a stringing machine with a single-action clamp, check with the vendor about its brake assembly. You'll need to know how often the brake assembly needs to be serviced).

    The dual-action swivel clamp has two parts. One is the clamp itself; the other is the swivel base, attached to the turntable. Stringing machines that utilize the dual-action clamp offer the advantage of being relatively maintenance-free (they do not have the brake assembly problems of the single-action swivel clamp stringing machines).

  27. How many different types of dual-action swivel clamp bases are used on current model stringing machines?

    There are two types - those with spring-action levers and those without it. The dual-action swivel clamp bases that have spring-action levers are better, because they are both faster and much easier to use. Without the spring-action lever, the swivel base will occasionally catch the string.

  28. Which stringing machines have a dual-action swivel clamp base with spring-action lever?
    Vendor Stringing Machine Models
    Babolat: Star II, Star 3, Star 4, 4002
    Maxline: Eagnas Arc-Table21, Arc-Pro21, Arc-top21, EAG-90 II, Hawk 880, King 3115H, Neon 21, Neon CX, Neon CX21, Neon CXS, Neon JX21, Pro 2000, Pro 2000S, Pro Crystal, Pro Helper, Pro Helper21, Star HP12, Star J312, Star Y12-3, Smart 707, Smart 808, Smart 909, Smart 3000, Smart 4000, Smart 5000, Smart 6000
  29. Which stringing machines have a dual-action swivel clamp base without spring-action lever?
    Vendor Stringing Machine Models
    Alpha Sports: Pioneer DC, Revo 3000, Axis, Blu-DC Plus, Power Edge, Ultra Edge III
    Approach Tennis: S-3, M-1
    Czech Sports: CT-750TD, CT-750FD
    Gamma Sports: Progression 602FC, Es II, ST II, 5003, 6004, 6002 Es, 7000 Es, 6500 Els, 7500 Els
    Guterman (NRC Sports): AG602S, AG603S, AG604S, AG607
    Silent Partner: SC, FL, DG
    SP.IN Japan Co.: Arc-Table21N, Arc-Pro21N, Arc-Top21N, Neon CX21(T), Neon CX21(S), Neon JX21
    Maxline: Eagnas EAGNAS Easy-3, Hawk 80, Hawk 800, Hawk 820, GA, GB, GC
  30. Why do the spring-action levers make stringing faster and easier?

    The dual-action swivel clamp bases with spring-action levers make stringing much faster and easier, because they have the built-in springs. You do not have to use muscle to operate them. You just need one-eighth turn to lock and release the base. Without the spring-action lever, you need to use muscle to latch the clamp base to the turntable. The disadvantage of not having spring-action levers is: not easy to latch the clamp base, need half turn to lock and release the base, time consuming.

  31. I have a machine without spring-action levers. Could I purchase spring-action levers and install them on the machine?

    No, you can not install the spring-action lever on the clamp base without spring-action function. They are not compatible. You have to get a set of the spring-action clamp bases to install on the turntable.

  32. What type of string gripper is better, the linear ball bearing string gripper or the cam (parallel jaw) string gripper?

    The linear ball bearing string gripper is better, because it is much quicker and easier to use. All the professional stringing machines use the linear ball bearing string gripper.

  33. Which stringing machines have a cam (parallel jaw) string gripper?
    Vendor Stringing Machine Models
    Alpha Sports: Bullet 2, 4, Pioneer FL, DC, Power Edge, Tour Edge
    ATS Total Sports: ATS Super Stringer 2
    Approach Tennis: M-1
    Czech Sports: CT700TS
    Gamma Sports: Progression II 602, 602FC, Es II, 6002 Es, 7000 Es, 6500 Els, 7500 Els
    Guterman (NRC Sports): AG607
    Silent Partner: e.stringer, SC, FL, DG
    SP.IN Japan Co.: Neon CX21(T), Neon CX21(S), Neon JX21
    Maxline: Eagnas EAGNAS Hawk 10, Hawk 880, Neon 21, Neon CX, Neon CX21, Neon CXS, Neon JX21, Smart 3000
  34. Which stringing machines have a linear ball bearing string gripper?
    Vendor Stringing Machine Models
    Alpha Sports: Shuttle 2000, Revo 3000, Axis, Axis Pro, Blu-DC Plus, Ultra Edge III
    Approach Tennis: S-3
    Babolat: Star II, Star 3, Star 4, 4002
    Czech Sports: CT-750TS, CT-750FD, CT-750FS
    Ektelon: Neos 1000
    Gamma Sports: 4000, 5003, 6004, Progression ST II
    Guterman (NRC Sports): AG601F, AG602F, AG602S, AG603S, AG604S, AG603GB
    Maxline: Eagnas EAGNAS 10, 112, 2120, 3120, Arc-Table21, Arc-Pro21, Arc-Top21, BETA, DEN-3200, DEN-3600, DEN-4000, DEN-4600, DEN-6000, DEN-6700, EAG-350, EAG-550, EAG-700, EAG-860, EAG-860T, EAG-900, EAG-960, EAG-90 II, GA, GB, GC, GE, GF, hawk 20, Hawk 40, Hawk 80, Hawk 800, Hawk 820, King 3115H, Pro Crystal, Pro Helper, Pro Helper21, Smart 707, Smart 808, Smart 909, Smart 4000, Smart 5000, Smart 6000, ST-200, Star Y12-3, Star HP12, Star J312
    Prince: Neos 1000, Neos 2000
    SP.IN Japan Co.: Arc-Table21N, Arc-Pro21N, Arc-Top21N
    Winn Inc.: PRO II
  35. Why is the linear ball bearing string gripper better than a cam (parallel jaw) string gripper? How does the linear ball bearing string gripper work?

    The linear ball bearing string gripper consists of two metal blocks, 16 balls and a gripper housing. Two metal blocks are mounted against these 16 balls, 8 balls are for each metal block. Therefore, these two metal blocks will be able to slide to the left or right side smoothly. When they are at the left side, the gap between these two metal blocks is narrow. When they slide to the right, the gap is wide. When you place the string between these two metal blocks, these metal blocks will slide to the left and grip the string automatically. There is no bolt needed or muscle to use. The linear ball bearing string gripper will grip the string even before the drop weight rod is pulled. Therefore, you only need to use one hand to operate the linear ball bearing string gripper.

    The cam string gripper will grip the string only when the drop weight rod is pulled. You always need to use two hands to operate the cam gripper: one hand has to pull the string with muscle, and the other hand to operate the drop weight rod.

    The cost of the linear ball bearing string gripper is much higher than the cost of the cam string gripper. All the professional stringing machines use the linear ball bearing string gripper.

  36. In terms of speed and easy of use, what type of stringing machine is better?

    The manual crank spring tensioner is much quicker and much easier than the drop-weight tensioner. The fixed clamp is better than the floating clamp. The glide-bar clamp is faster than the swivel clamp. The linear ball bearing string gripper is quicker and easier than the cam (parallel jaw) string gripper. The linear ball bearing stringing gripper with spring clutch (ratchet) is better than the gripper without spring clutch.

  37. What type of clamping system is the best, glide-bar or swivel?

    The glide-bar clamping system is faster than the swivel clamping system. But you have to use the floating clamps to handle the fan-patterned racquets. The swivel clamping system can handle fan patterns. But it will be slower. If you do not have the fan-patterned racquets, the glide-bar system will be better.

  38. What other accessories should I buy in order to string both the tennis and badminton racquets?

    You need to purchase the additional two badminton string clamps (PN-3091P, PN-3091, PN-7066, PN-1004, or PN-1007) and the badminton awl (BS-909). Some of the stringing machine's packages include the badminton string clamps, such as EAG-550, EAG-700, EAG-700A, EAG-860, EAG-900, EAG-960, EAG-2120 and EAG-3120.

  39. I break strings at the rate of about 1 per week and a half. What would be the best stringing machine for me to purchase?

    To choose a stringing machine, you might take into consideration the following factors.

    1. What is your budget? How much money would you like to spend on stringing machine?

      A.  About $100.00 to $200.00:
          You can get a drop-weight stringing machine with 2-point mounting,
          cam string gripper, 1 drop weight and 2 floating clamps.
      B.  About $200.00 to $300.00:
          You can get a drop-weight stringing machine with 6-point mounting,
          linear ball bearing string gripper, 2 drop weights and 2 floating
      C.  About $400.00 to $500.00:
          You can get a drop-weight stringing machine with 6-point mounting,
          linear ball bearing string gripper, 2 drop weights, 1 turntable
          and 2 fixed clamps.
      D.  About $500.00 to $1000.00:
          You can get a crank stringing machine with 2 to 6 point mounting,
          1 crank spring tension head, 1 turntable and 2 to 6 fixed clamps.
      E.  About $1000.00 to $5000.00:
          You can get an electronic stringing machine with 6-point mounting,
          1 electronic tension head, 1 turntable and 2 fixed clamps.

    2. How many racquets are you going to string every year?

    For example, you have 30 racquets to string yearly. The average stringing charge of the pro shop is about $20.00 per racquet. The total cost to string 30 racquets is about $600.00. Therefore, you could purchase a $600.00 stringing machine, and get your investment back within one year. If you have few racquets to string, you might get the less expensive stringing machine.

  40. I break strings at least 15-20 times a year. Do you think it is a good idea to purchase a stringing machine?

    Yes, it is a good idea to get a stringing machine. You will get your investment back within one year. Otherwise, you have to pay for the re-string service anyway.

  41. What is the difference between EAGNAS 10 and DEN-3600 stringing machines?

    EAGNAS 10 stringing machine has the linear ball bearing string gripper with spring clutch (ratchet) and V-shaped side supports. The DEN-3600 only has the linear ball bearing string gripper and does not have the V-shaped side supports.

  42. What features or advantages does the HAWK 800 stringing machine have versus the EAG-700 stringing machine?

    HAWK 800 has 2 dual-action swivel clamps. The swivel clamp base does not have the spring-action lever. It can handle fan-patterned racquets. But it will be slower than the EAG-700.

    EAG-700 has 6 glide-bar clamps: 2 oversized, 2 standard tennis, and 2 badminton. You have to use the floating clamps to handle fan-patterned racquets. It will be faster than the HAWK 800.

    HAWK 800 and EAG-700 have the identical crank spring tensioner. The only difference is the color of the cover. HAWK 800 has the black color; EAG-700 has the gray color.

  43. What are the key differences between the Hawk 80 and the STAR Y12-3 machines? Which is more convenient and faster?

    HAWK 80 has 2 regular dual-action swivel clamps. The swivel clamp base does not have the spring-action lever. The string gripper does not have the ratchet device.

    Y12-3 has 2 heavy-duty, dual-action swivel clamps. The swivel clamp base has the spring-action lever. The string gripper has the uni-direction clutch (ratchet device).

    Y12-3 will be better, more convenient and faster than HAWK 80.

  44. What is the difference between the Hawk 880 and the PRO HELPER stringing machines?

    The PRO HELPER has the linear ball bearing string gripper, motor, chain, and electronic tension control circuit board. It has the more complex electronic design and construction. It is the floor model.

    The HAWK 880 has the cam string gripper, motor and LED readout. It has the simple design and construction. It is the table-top model.

    Therefore, the Hawk 880 has the complete different design and construction from the PRO HELPER.

  45. What is the major difference between the Neon 21 and Hawk 880 stringing machines?

    The mounting system of the Neon 21 is called the suspension mounting system. The supports are the 4 V-shaped side-support arms. The head and throat mounting posts are only hold the racquet in place.

    The other mounting system is called the hold-down mounting system. The supports are the head and throat mounting posts. The side-supports are only to hold the racquets in place. The Hawk 880 has this mounting system.

  46. What is the difference between the Neon electronic tension head and Silent Partner electric tension head?

    The Neon tension head is the electronic tension head, which makes stringing much faster and easier:

    The Silent Partner tension head is the electric tension head:

  47. I notice that most of the table-top or portable stringing machines are the drop-weight type. Is there any advantage of drop-weight over the manual crank type?

    The drop-weight machines are much cheaper than the manual crank machines. Generally speaking, the price of the portable machines shall be lower than the floor models'. Therefore, most of the portable machines have the drop-weight tensioners. The advantage of the drop-weight machines is: simple construction, cheap, constant tension-pull. The disadvantage is: not easy to operate, time consuming.

  48. I have a drop-weight stringing machine. How can I upgrade it to manual crank spring tensioner?

    No, you can not upgrade a drop-weight machine to the manual crank machine. They have different construction. If you really want to upgrade it, you have to purchase the manual crank tensioner, tensioner track, etc. They are very expensive parts. And you have to do some engineering works.

  49. I have an EAGNAS fixed clamp stringing machine (glide-bar clamp system). How can I change the machine to a swivel clamp machine?

    Yes, you can change it to a swivel clamp machine. Basically you have to purchase the turntable, two mounting stocks, two swivel clamp bases and two swivel clamps. But they are very expensive parts.

  50. Where can I get the string patterns?

    You can get string patterns from the racquet vendors, or you can get them from the internet. Here are some locations:

    Dunlop Sports Racquet Stringing Instructions
    E-force Racquet Stringing Instructions
    Wilson Racquet Stringing Instructions

  51. Approximately how many racquets can I string from a 660 ft. reel of string?

    A 660 ft. reel will string about 20 racquets.

  52. Do you have the string comparison chart?

    No, we do not have the string comparison chart.

    There are only few string manufacturers around the world. They are the OEM string suppliers to all the importers and wholesalers. The importers will create a special trade name for a particular string to distinguish it from the other importers' identical strings. By this way the importer can set up his own price structure. But we have no way to know which string is identical to the other strings. The string manufacturers will not supply this kind of information to the importers and wholesalers. It is their trade secret.

    Therefore, one importer can mark up his string price for $15.00 per set. The other string suppler will sell this identical string with his own trade name for only $5.00 each. The difference is that the high-price string supplier have to recruit his heavy advertisement expensive, higher overhead cost, etc.

  53. Do you have any type of string package that comes with the stringing machines, or even a discount on strings when I order a stringing machine?

    No, we provide the best prices on the stringing machines and strings. The string package means "forced purchase". The customers pay the higher price to get the stringing machine and string package.

  54. What is the difference between nylon, kevlar, and synthetic gut strings when dealing in performance and the rate they break?

    The nylon is durable, but the performance is not that great. The Kevlar is very durable and the performance is better than the nylon. The Synthethic gut is not durable; but the performance is better than the nylon and kevlar.

  55. What is the difference between the 1 drop weight and the 2 drop weights? Will there be a difference in the output?

    There is no difference between them. The 1 drop weight is only for the tennis racquets. The 2 drop-weight machines have 1 drop weight for the tennis racquets; the other drop weight is for the badminton racquets.

  56. What is the difference between the Hawk 880 and the Neon 21?

    The Hawk 880 is identical to the Neon 21 except the mounting system. The Hawk 880 has the hold-down mounting system; the Neon 21 has the suspention mounting system.

  57. What makes the Neon CX better than the Neon 21 machine?

    Functionally the Neon 21 is compatible to the Neon CX except the cover and the base. The Neon CX has the pretty plastic cover and the steel base; the Neon 21 has the metal case and the cast metal base. The advantage of the Neon CX is that it can be mounted on the floor stand and can be converted into the upright model. The Neon 21 can not be mounted on the floor stand.

  58. What's the difference between the Neon CXS and the Neon CX21 machines?

    The Neon CX21 is identical to the Neon CXS except the base. The Neon CX21 has the H-shaped base; the Neon CXS has the X-shaped base.

  59. What's the difference between the Hawk 800 and the GA machines?

    The Hawk 800 stringing machine is identical to the GA stringing machine except the turntable and the color. The Hawk 800 has the cast turntable and the black color. The turntable of the GA is made from the sheet steel metal. And the GA has two swivel clamp tracks mounted on the turntable. The GA has the silver and blue color.

  60. What's the difference between the Hawk 80 and the GC machines?

    The Hawk 80 stringing machine is identical to the GC stringing machine except the turntable and the color. The Hawk 80 has the cast turntable and the black color. The turntable of the GC is made from the sheet steel metal. And the GC has two swivel clamp tracks mounted on the turntable. The GC has the silver and blue color.

  61. What is the difference between the drop-weight, crank, electric and electronic machines?

    The characteristics of the deop-weight machines are cheaper, constant pull, not easy to use, very slow process, time consuming, and relatively maintenance-free.

    The characteristics of the electric machines are cheap, constant pull, varied tension on every pull, AC voltage deviation affecting every tension pull, very slow process, time consuming, and maintenance needed.

    The characteristics of the crank machines are not cheap, not constant pull, precise tension on every pull, very easy to use, very fast process, and relatively maintenance-free.

    The characteristics of the electronic machines are expensive, constant pull, precise tension on every pull, slow process, and maintenance needed.

  62. What are the pros and cons of getting an electric machine and what makes it better than a manual?

    The electric stringing machine is not worth to mention. Please refer to the FAQ for the answer. The advantage of the electronic stringing machines is constant pull, no muscle needed and precise tension on every pull. The disadvantage of the electronic stringing machines is slow process, and maintenance needed.

    The advantage of the manual crank machines is precise tension on every pull, very easy to use, very fast process, and relatively maintenance-free. The disadvantage of the manual crank machines is not constant pull, manual crank needed.

  63. It appears to me that the best clamping system is the glide bar, but you do not offer it on too many models. Can you put the Eagnas EAG-960 top on the Pro Helper electronic machine?

    The gilde bar system is a very good system. It offers the fastest clamping and the fastest process speed. But this system has been on the market for over 20 years. There were models with the EAG-960 turntable on the Pro helper. But the factory does not produce this configuration anymore.

  64. Can the Hawk 10 be used to string badminton racquets?

    The tension range of the Hawk 10 stringing machine is from 20 pounds to 80 pounds. If your badminton racquet is in this tension range, you can use the Hawk 10 stringing machine to handle the badminton stringing.

  65. why do you recommend one OVERSIZED floating clamp and one REGULAR size floating clamp? What is the advantage of one over the other?

    The standard package of the floating clamp system has one oversized and one standard floating clamps. The oversized clamp is very easy to handle the cross strings around the head and throat area because the gap between the strings are wide.

的な質問 (FAQ)


日本千葉県野田市二ツ塚 430-4
電話番号 (Tel): 047-199-9267(日本語)
Fax 番号: 047-199-9265
電子メール(E-mail): eagnasjp@chic.ocn.ne.jp


Lily-Lee & Co., Ltd.
162 Chung Chen Road
Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
電話番号 (Tel): 001-886-4-2226-2475
Fax 番号: 001-886-4-2225-7885
電子メール(E-mail): eagnas@ms18.hinet.net